What could you acquire if you had unlimited access to your core self? What could you obtain if you moved past the restrictions, conditions, trauma, residue, debris, or rubbish? Imagine waking up every day and allowing your divine essence—pure, righteous, and worthy—to shine. Imagine letting it flow freely, traveling through this realm or even breaking into a two-step or line dance out in the open.
Who are you in your purest form? What might you be capable of if you gave yourself permission to release the agony, the betrayal, and the abandonment? And yes, I call them "ideas" because these experiences happened to the most material part of your being—your physical form. Most of the time, harm occurs not because of who you are in your spiritual form, but because of who others are in their most ignorant, human state. Often, their inability to honor the divine in themselves prevents them from honoring the divine in you.
What reservations weigh on your thoughts? Where are you chained? What is the frequent opponent to your free thinking? What won’t let you forget? What has been memorialized in your mind, gripping you so tightly that it suffocates your ability to breathe, to hope, or to find favor and faith? What recurring harm keeps whispering that true happiness is unattainable or that the unconditional love you desire is just a façade? What lacerations keep reopening wounds you thought were sealed? What weeds need to be uprooted?
Contentment, joy, peace, innocence, serenity, tranquility, and kindness are the defaults of the spirit. In contrast, confusion, frustration, judgment, mental affliction, and emotional agony stem from the body, free will, ignorance, trauma, and worldly alterations to the soul. The world as it exists today is the creation of humanity—often driven by those seeking superiority to mask their own insecurities. In most cases, this power dynamic—fueled by white, heterosexual men—reveals a deep wound, an unpatchable void. Their constant desire for dominance arises from a lack of balance, an ultimate insecurity.
But what about you? What will it take for you to access your essence? To uproot the weeds? To embrace your divine form and create a world rooted in balance, love, and liberation?